Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Eastline has begun!

 Norno, Al, Freezer, Nevin, Chris and Curt made the first of the annual pilgrimage to McBride for some Holmes and Dore action. Holmes was a good warm up as it was a little on the lowish side from previous years when we normally run it in flood. The run was full of its normal holes with a massive one formed at the top of the first rapid but easily avoidable on the left or right. The white kilometer was not as big with the lower water levels but was fairly technical. There was enough going on that it made Al pull of his first combat roll in his Karma, pretty good since he's had the boat for a few years. Beaver falls never disappoints with a few different lines tried and most coming out un-scathed. 
As always in McBride, the main course is the Dore. Level was 1.7 which is lower than previous years of 1.9 and 2.2. River temps were a little warmer. The lower levels made for a very technical run to avoid the uncountable holes and made for a few last minute boofs to get out of a bad spot. Hail to the big volume creeker....The crux rapid below the bridge had the normal line blocked by wood so we took the "Nacho" line to left which required a few moves to avoid "Nacho's Hole." Even with the lower levels, the rapid before the take out was still fluffy with a few boats subbing out in a few beauty holes. 
Good day on the river with the fellas with the return trip already in the works.
- Words By Curt 
Chris in Beaver Falls - Photo Freezer

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Is it spring yet?

The NWBPC official pool sessions have come to a close. There was a great turnout and it was good to see a lot of new faces and old.  As a reminder if you want to support the brigade and get involved join the club!

Thus far spring has been... interesting. We have had a mini freshet with low elevation snow pack getting an head start on melting at the end of March followed by cold nights and a reduction of flows. With precipitation in the forecast and and warmer temperatures (as I type the long range forecast is calling for snow...) some of the spring runs will hopefully come in.

With the Bowron stalled and the Willow hovering about a foot above play a trip to Likely was in order!   A good group hit the Upper Quesnel at a friendly level and found solid boating and some subtle changes in best drop that allow for a nearly straight shot between the top two holes.  *** The Constriction (Devils Eyebrow) has a nasty piece of WOOD in it.  The portage is not ideal and if Deep Throat or the holes that follow kick your ass the wood in the constriction could very well be a career ender***
Richard at the notch - notice the wood... Photo: Chris David

This is also the time of year to look for gear - keep an eye on the facebook page as there are a few boat swaps coming up and there tend to be some online deals as the more needy gulp back the koolaid and sell their older gear to finance the next new thing.   I know I moved into Kokatat's new Idol Dry suit and have to say it is way nicer than an old wet suit and drytop combo!

Remember the water is cold, and wood is a real possibility. Be prepared.

We'll see you on the river!
NWBPC on Facebook

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pool Sessions!

It's that time of year when the Brigade boaters shake off the ice and snow and head to the PG Aquatic Center to get our roll on. It is a great time for new or newer paddlers to come along, say hello, and get rolling in the nice warm pool. 

Details this year:

Where - PG Aquatic Centre. When - March 11th to April 15th, Wednesday evenings, 9-10pm. How much - First session will be $25, which includes membership of the Northwest Brigade for one year and insurance via CKBC. Subsequent pool sessions $5. If you are a seasoned paddler or just fancy trying something new, come along. 
Beers after 

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